Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Twas the Night before turning 7...

I can remember as a child the night before my birthday my mom would say "this is the last time I will tell you goodnight and give you a kiss while you are (insert age)"  and this would devastate me because I thought my mom was sad about this.   
This memory stuck with me forever.
Now that I am a mom, I have these same feelings for Madden the eve of his birthdays every year and I found myself saying the same thing to him.  (I found out its part sadness because your child is getting older but proudness as well) Although he hasn't shown the same feelings that I did as a child, this year he found this very interesting.  He wasn't sad but curious about this.  We were discussing his year's accomplishments and what we thought next year would bring.  
He said, "Can we take one more picture of me before I turn 7?"  And this is what we got.  :> 

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