Thursday, September 27, 2012

MRB Field Trip to Lake Murray Gymnastics

I chaperoned Madden's field trip to Lake Murray Gymnastics!  We had a great group and a GREAT time!

 Kaiden, Madden, Emilie, and Ayden (our group!)

First game of Fall Ball - Go Hooks!

Madden is playing for the Hooks this season during Fall Ball.  He has moved up to Coach's Pitch.  And took it by storm at the first game.
Madden made 2 great hits and scored a run for the team!

 Getting his gear together
 Coming across home plate!

 Waiting for his turn at bat...

Tiger Scouts Raingutter Regatta 2012

On Sunday, Sept 23rd, Madden competed in his first Raingutter Regatta.  He built a boat and raced it against the other Tiger Cubs using only his breath!  He came in 2nd place for the whole pack!  Go Madden!

 2nd place!

 What a happy boat racer!

 Blow Madden!  Blow Madden!

 Ribbon Award for Craftsmanship

 Madden and his boat!

And the winner is .....

#4 Lost Tooth

On September 5th, in the car, eating his snack, on the way home from baseball practice, Madden says, "Here Mommy, hold my tooth!"

Halloween already...

We went to the Dollar Tree and bought some small items to put in Halloween treat bags for school.  Madden decided he was going to create a fall/Halloween them for his bedroom.  He bought googly eyed glasses, glow in the dark skeletons, spiders and eye balls.  As soon as we got home, he was decorating his room.  There are 2 carveable  Styrofoam pumpkins (jack o lanterns) guarding his door as well! :>